Zend Framework 2.0.3 Released!
The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Zend Framework 2.0.3! Packages and installation instructions are available at:Changelog
This release included 115 changes, ranging from minor docblock improvements to bugfixes. The full list is as follows:- 2244: Fix for issue ZF2-503
- 2318: [WIP - help] Allow to remove decimals in CurrencyFormat
- 2363: Hotfix db features with eventfeature
- 2380: ZF2-482 Attempt to fix the buffer. Also added extra unit tests.
- 2392: Update library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Platform/Mysql.php
- 2395: Fix for http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF2-571
- 2397: Memcached option merge issuse
- 2402: Adding missing dependencies
- 2404: Fix to comments
- 2406: No, sir, that's not a boolean.
- 2416: Fix expressionParamIndex for AbstractSql
- 2420: Zend\Db\Sql\Select: Fixed issue with join expression named parameters overlapping.
- 2421: Update library/Zend/Http/Header/SetCookie.php
- 2422: fix add 2 space after @param in Zend\Loader
- 2423: ManagerInterface must be interface, remove 'interface' description
- 2425: Use built-in Travis composer
- 2426: [BC] Remove need of setter in ClassMethods hydrator
- 2432: Prevent space before end of tag with HTML5 doctype
- 2433: fix for setJsonpCallback not called when recieved JsonModel + test
- 2434: added phpdoc in Zend\Db
- 2437: Hotfix/console 404 reporting
- 2438: Improved previous fix for ZF2-558.
- 2440: Turkish Translations for Captcha and Validate
- 2441: Allow form collection to have any helper
- 2516: limit(20) -> generates LIMIT '20' and throws an IllegalQueryException
- 2545: getSqlStringForSqlObject() returns an invalid SQL statement with LIMIT and OFFSET clauses
- 2595: Pgsql adapater has codes related to MySQL
- 2613: Prevent password to be rendered if form validation fails
- 2617: Fixed Zend\Validator\Iban class name
- 2619: [Fix/Master] Form enctype fix when File elements are within a collection
- 2620: [Fix/Master] InputFilter/Input when merging was not using raw value
- 2622: Added ability to specify port
- 2624: [Fix/Master] Form's default input filters added multiple times
- 2630: fix relative link ( remove the relative links ) in README.md
- 2631: Update library/Zend/Loader/AutoloaderFactory.php
- 2633: fix redundance errors "The input does not appear to be a valid date" show twice
- 2635: Fix potential issue with Sitemap test
- 2636: add isset checks around timeout and maxredirects
- 2641: hotfix : formRow() element error multi-checkbox and radio renderError not shown
- 2642: Fix Travis build for CS issue
- 2643: fix for setJsonpCallback not called when recieved JsonModel + test
- 2644: Add fluidity to the prepare() function for a form
- 2652: Zucchi/filter tweaks
- 2665: pdftest fix
- 2666: fixed url change
- 2667: Possible fix for rartests
- 2669: skip whem gmp is loaded
- 2673: Input fallback value option
- 2676: mysqli::close() never called
- 2677: added phpdoc to Zend\Stdlib
- 2678: Zend\Db\Adapter\Sqlsrv\Sqlsrv never calls Statement\initialize() (fix within)
- 2679: Zend/Log/Logger.php using incorrect php errorLevel
- 2680: Cache: fixed bug on getTotalSpace of filesystem and dba adapter
- 2681: Cache/Dba: fixed notices on tearDown db4 tests
- 2682: Replace 'Configuration' with 'Config' when retrieving configuration
- 2683: Hotfix: Allow items from Abstract Factories to have setShared() called
- 2685: Remove unused Uses
- 2686: Adding code to allow EventManager trigger listeners using wildcard identifier
- 2687: Hotfix/db sql nested expressions
- 2688: Hotfix/tablegateway event feature
- 2689: Hotfix/composer phpunit
- 2690: Use RFC-3339 full-date format (Y-m-d) in Date element
- 2691: join on conditions don't accept alternatives to columns
- 2693: Update library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Driver/Mysqli/Connection.php
- 2694: Bring fluid interface to Feed Writer
- 2698: fix typo in # should be :: in exception
- 2699: fix elseif in javascript Upload Demo
- 2700: fix cs in casting variable
- 2705: Fix french translation
- 2707: Improved error message when ServiceManager does not find an invokable class
- 2710: #2461 - correcting the url encoding of path segments
- 2711: Fix/demos ProgressBar/ZendForm.php : Object of class Zend\Form\Form could not be converted to string
- 2712: fix cs casting variable for (array)
- 2713: Update library/Zend/Mvc/Service/ViewHelperManagerFactory.php
- 2714: Don't add separator if not prefixing columns
- 2717: Extends when it can : Validator\DateStep extends Validator\Date to reduce code redundancy
- 2719: Fixing the Cache Storage Factory Adapter Factory
- 2728: [Bug][Mail] Bad Regex for Content Type header
- 2731: Reset the Order part when resetting Select
- 2732: Removed references to Mysqli in Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Pgsql
- 2733: fix @package Zend_Validate should be Zend_Validator
- 2734: fix i18n @package and @subpackage value
- 2736: fix captcha helper test.
- 2737: Issue #2728 - Bad Regex for Content Type header
- 2738: fix link 'quickstart' to version 2.0
- 2739: remove '@subpackage' because Zend\Math is not in subpackage
- 2742: remove () in echo-ing
- 2749: Fix for #2678 (Zend\Db's Sqlsrv Driver)
- 2750: Adds the ability to instanciate by factory to AbstractPluginManager
- 2754: add the support to register module paths over namespace
- 2755: remove Zend\Mvc\Controller\PluginBroker from aliases in "$defaultServiceConfig"
- 2759: Fix Zend\Code\Scanner\TokenArrayScanner
- 2764: Fixed Zend\Math\Rand::getString() to pass the parameter $strong to ::getBytes()
- 2765: Csrf: always use dedicated setter
- 2766: Session\Storage: always preserve _REQUEST_ACCESS_TIME
- 2768: Zend\Validator dependency is missed in Zend\Cache composer.json
- 2769: change valueToLDAP to valueToLdap and valueFromLDAP to valueFromLdap
- 2770: [WIP] Memcached
- 2775: Zend\Db\Sql: Fix for Mysql quoting during limit and offset
- 2776: Allow whitespace in Iban
- 2777: Fix issue when PREG_BAD_UTF8_OFFSET_ERROR is defined but Unicode support is not enabled on PCRE
- 2778: Undefined Index fix in ViewHelperManagerFactory
- 2779: Allow forms that have been added as fieldsets to bind values to bound ob...
- 2782: Issue 2781
Thank You!
Many thanks to all contributors to this release!Reminder
Maintenance releases happen monthly on the third Wednesday. Additionally, we have the next minor release, 2.1.0, slated for sometime next month.Fuente: ZF Blog
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